Latest Update

I have successfully defended my doctor dissertation on May. 24th, 2023. I will join Shanghai Univeristy as an assistant professor.

Brief Biography

Hao Kong is currently an assistant professor of School of Computer Engineering and Science at Shanghai Univeristy. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and his B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Ocean University of China. Previously, he has visited Broadband Communications Research (BBCR) Lab and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Waterloo, Canada. He has published 10 peer-reviewed papers on premier international journals and conferences, including ACM MobiSys, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE/ACM ToN, IEEE TMC, etc.

Research Interest

His research interests include mobile sensing and computing, AIoT security. The main work is to employ signal processing and machine learning techniques in sensing and communications to realize interesting and futuristic applications as well as investigate corresponding security problems underlying these techniques and applications.

Selected Publication

[ACM IMWUT] Yunzhong Chen, Jiadi Yu, Linghe Kong, Hao Kong, Yanmin Zhu,and Yi-Chao Chen, “RF-Mic: Live Voice Eavesdropping via Capturing Subtle Facial Speech Dynamics Leveraging RFID,” Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Computing (IMWUT), 2023.

[ACM MobiSys] Jiahong Xie, Hao Kong, Jiadi Yu, Yingying Chen, Linghe Kong, Yanmin Zhu, and Feilong Tang, “mm3DFace: Nonintrusive 3D Facial Reconstruction Leveraging mmWave Signals,” in Proceedings of ACM MobiSys 2023, Helsinki, Finland, 2023.

[ACM/IEEE ToN] Hao Kong, Li Lu, Jiadi Yu,Yingying Chen, Xiangyu Xu, and Feng Lyu, “Towards Multi-User Authentication Using WiFi Signals,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023.

[ACM MobiSys] Hao Kong, Xiangyu Xu, Jiadi Yu, Qilin Chen, Chenguang Ma, Yingying Chen, Yi-Chao Chen, and Linghe Kong, “m^3Track: mmWave-based Multi-User 3D Posture Tracking,” in Proceedings of ACM MobiSys 2022, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2022.

[IEEE INFOCOM] Hao Kong, Li Lu,Jiadi Yu, Yanmin Zhu,Feilong Tang, Yi-Chao Chen, Linghe Kong, and Feng Lyu, “Push the Limit of WiFi-based User Authentication towards Undefined Gestures,” in Proceedings of IEEE InfoCom 2022, Virtual Conference, 2022.

[ACM MobiHoc] Hao Kong, Li Lu, Jiadi Yu, Yingying Chen, Xiangyu Xu, Feilong Tang, Yi-Chao Chen, “MultiAuth: Enable Multi-User Authentication with Single Commodity WiFi Device,” in Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc 2021, Shanghai, China, 2021.

[IEEE TMC] Hao Kong, Li Lu, Jiadi Yu, Yingying Chen, and Feilong Tang “Continuous Authentication through Finger Gesture Interaction for Smart Homes Using WiFi,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2020.

[ACM MobiHoc] Hao Kong, Li Lu, Jiadi Yu, Yingying Chen, Linghe Kong, and Minglu Li, “FingerPass: Finger Gesture-based Continuous User Authentication for Smart Homes Using Commodity WiFi, “ in Proceedings of ACM MobiHoc 2019, Catania, Italy, 2019.